Namesto, da bi z miško po menijih iskali želeni ukaz, lahko na tipkovnici s kombinacijo tipk prikličemo isti ukaz.

Nekaj najuporabnejših funkcij

Opis Windows Mac OS
Scroll down a frame Space or Page Down Space or Fn + Down Arrow
Scroll up a frame Shift + Space or Page Up Shift + Space or Fn + Up Arrow
Go to bottom of the page End Cmd + Down Arrow
Go to top of the page Home Cmd + Up Arrow
Go back Alt + Left Arrow or Backspace Cmd + Left Arrow
Go forward Alt + Right Arrow or Shift + Backspace Cmd + Right Arrow
Refresh a webpage F5 Cmd + R
Refresh a webpage (no cache) Ctrl + F5 Cmd + Shift + R
Stop Esc Esc
Toggle full-screen F11 Cmd + Shift + F
Zoom in Ctrl + + Cmd + +
Zoom out Ctrl + - Cmd + -
Zoom 100% (default) Ctrl + 0 Cmd + 0
Open homepage Alt + Home Option + Home or Option + Fn + Left Arrow
Find text Ctrl + F Cmd + F
Tab / Window Management
Open a new tab Ctrl + T Cmd + T
Close current tab Ctrl + W Cmd + W
Close all tabs Ctrl + Shift + W Cmd + Q
Close all tabs except the current tab Ctrl + Alt + F4 Cmd + Opt + W
Go to next tab Ctrl + Tab Control + Tab or Cmd + Shift + Right Arrow
Go to previous tab Ctrl + Shift + Tab Shift + Control + Tab or Cmd + Shift + Left Arrow
Go to a specific tab number Ctrl + 1-8 Cmd + 1-8
Go to the last tab Ctrl + 9 Cmd + 9
Reopen the last closed tab Ctrl + Shift + T Cmd + Shift + T
Open a new window Ctrl + N Cmd + N
Close current window Alt + F4 Cmd + W
Go to next window Alt + Tab Cmd + Tab
Go to previous window Alt + Shift + Tab Cmd + Shift + Tab
Reopen the last closed window Ctrl + Shift + N  
Open links in a new tab in the background Ctrl + Click Cmd + Click
Open links in a new tab in the foreground Ctrl + Shift + Click Cmd + Shift + Click
Print current webpage Ctrl + P Cmd + P
Save current webpage Ctrl + S Cmd + S
Address Bar
Cycle between toolbar, search bar, and page elements Tab Tab
Go to browser's address bar Ctrl + L or Alt + D Cmd + L
Focus and select the browser's search bar Ctrl + E Cmd + E / Cmd + K
Open the address bar location in a new tab Alt + Enter Opt + Enter
Display a list of previously typed addresses F4  
Add "www." to the beginning and ".com" to the end of the text typed in the address bar (e.g., type "etajnica" and press Ctrl + Enter to open "") Ctrl + Enter Cmd + Enter or Control + Enter
Open the bookmarks menu Ctrl + B Cmd + B
Add bookmark for current page Ctrl + D Cmd + Opt + B or Cmd + Shift + B
Open browsing history Ctrl + H Cmd + Shift + H or Cmd + Y
Open download history Ctrl + J Cmd + J or Cmd + Shift + J
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